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导演:Sanford Bookstaver 

主演:查德·邁克爾·墨瑞 James Lafferty Bethany Joy Galeotti Sophia Bush Hilarie Burton 

《籃球兄弟第三季》是由知名导演Sanford Bookstaver 执导的一部美劇,查德·邁克爾·墨瑞 James Lafferty 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Besid es a lov  e for hoops, it would seem that Luca s and Nathan are two young men with litt le in co mmon - except for th e dark s ecret that they share the same father. Arrogant  and as sured, Nathan is  the star of the hig h school   basketball team and hails from th e we althiest family in town. Quiet, brooding and d  riven, Lucas  is  a lone r, the on ly child of a single working mom. He's always kep t his distance from Nathan. But their lives collide when a twist of f ate puts Lucas  on Nathan 9;s team. The rumor that's haunted the bo ys since childhood now becom es mo re than  just whispers as the hal f-brothers c ompete no t only for c ontrol of the cou rt, but also fo r the heart of Nathan's girl friend. So unfolds a deep a nd bitter c onflict that';s been years i n th  e making; one tha t will  play itself out in their ho  mes, their hearts and at s chool as they strug gle to com e to ter ms with who  they really are  - and the fa ct that t hey may hav e more  in common than the y ever imagined  按规矩,两人每收一个人的好处,就 要往外掏点货,偏偏他 们是一个一个飞升的,总 不好意思把说过的消息, 再给他们来一遍,没办法 下,待到文遥飞 升,人家又给他们摆了一席,两人把 该说的都说了,只能跟他们八卦纯阳宗宗主被人伏 杀的事了。

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