• 正在播放:納特金·科爾:害怕黑暗-HD
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导演:Jon Brewer 

主演:Harry Belafonte Tony Bennett George Benson Natalie Cole Timolin Cole Jack Costanzo 

《納特金·科爾:害怕黑暗》是由知名导演Jon Brewer 执导的一部紀錄片,Harry Belafonte Tony Benn 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:   Imagine w hat it would fee l like to  be the o nly black te levision s tar in Hollywood  at a time when the KL U KLUX KLAN acted out viole ntly against black people, when America gr oaned under the weight of segregation   and prejud ice. Imagin e being in possession of a na tural  talent so great, so unique and disarming that these issue s we re seemingly s wept to o ne side to allow you  to perform and b e acknowledged f or this gift, yet be hind close d doors they were tr ying to think o f a way to package you as some thing you were not: white. This cand  id account of the   actua l happening s in and around t  he " ;fai rytale"  life of   fame an d fort une o f Nat Kin g Cole  , are taken from the p rivate journals of Nat Kin g Cole and e xclusive interviews with the widow of N   at King C ole, Maria Cole, as wel l as contrib utions  from other family  members, Tony Bennett , Buddy Gre  co, Harry Bellafo nte, Nancy Wilson,  Sir Bruce Forsythe, George Benson, Aaron Neville, Johnny  Mathis  and many more. Some of these shocking stories have never . ..  此时,球中的陆灵蹊在小小的水镜 中,清楚地看到了外面的一切,她小心地 戳了戳蓝玉板上的另一个好 像半圆的符文,腰 间一股柔力袭 来,把她挤到一边  ,一张好像全由小网 织成的东西,从两端连结到到一起,看着……似乎是可以躺的。

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