• 正在播放:心中的故鄉-DVD中字
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主演:Choi Eun-Hee  Byeon Ki-Jong  Yoo Min  Kim Seon-Young  Seok Keum-Seong  Nam Seung-Min 

《心中的故鄉》是由知名导演尹龍奎 执导的一部劇情片,Choi Eun-Hee  Byeon Ki-Jo 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Synopsis  Do-se ong  (Yoo Min) i s a child monk who  lives at a small mountain te mple with th  e head monk  (Byeon K i-jong), learning the tea chings of B uddha. He becomes attached to  a young wido w (Choi Eun-hee) who com es to pr ay at the temple, an d the chil  dless wido w entreats the head monk to let  her raise D o-seong  as her own son. Conflict  ensues when Do-seong's real    mother (Kim Seon -youn g) a ppears , but she leaves  the   temple for the sake of her son'  ;s future. On the day the widow is to take  the child down from the mountain, the head mon k discovers  that Do-s eong h as kil led a bi rd by ensnaringit in a tra p and decides not to let th e boy go  into the sec ular wor ld. When Do-seong  finds out that his   real mother  has been to the temple, he sets  out to find  her.  Notes  &qu ot;A film that has garnered rec ognition f or i ts cinem atograph y and direction by elimin ating sent imental  ity and unaffectedly capturing the quiet life of a  mountain te mple. A Hom etown in Heart demo nstrates the camera technique and di  rectorial skill of movies that appeared after the l iberation  of Korea. "  A Hometo wn in Heart, adapte d fr om playwright Ham Se -deok9;s A Little Monk (Dong-seung), wa s hailed  upon its releas e as "a masterpiece that marked  a new pin  nacle in K orean moviem aking after the liberation.&quo t; Eschewing new-s  chool sentimentality to quietly ex press a boy 9;s long  ing for  maternal l ove, the film un folds the  everyday l ives of three generationsthe head monk, a  young monk, and  a little child monk against  the bac kdrop of a q  uiet  templ e in the mountains.  The long shots utilized by director of c inemato graphy Han H yung-mo to captu re the b eautiful s cenery of the mountain temple from a distance rec eived gr  eat critical acclaim a t the  time. A  lso, each  of the film&#  39;s charact  ers is convincingly portrayed through the skill  ful directi   on of Yoon  Yong-kyu.  In parti cular, the s  cene which expre sses Do-seong&#  39;s desperate yearning for  a mother' ;s love and  his birt h mother's past   visit to the temple by combining th em into a dream sequen ce reveals dee p considera tion f or articulat ing s tory and e motion via a compressed visual  grammar  without tending tow  ard sentimentalism. The movie' s fi nal scene, in whic h Do-seong awake ns from his drea  m and sets off down th  e path in search of his mother, is both touching a nd beautiful. The fil m also feat ures Choi Eun-hee, in the part of the young wido  w who warmly embraces Do-seong with her lov e, in one  of her first rol  es.  Af terword:  - Lee Kan  g-su  , writing under the ps eudonym of Kwa k Il-byeong, first adapted playwrig ht Ham S  e-deok9;s A Litt le Monk (Dong-s eung) into a scr eenplay , which was  then shot for  the silv er screen with additi onal embellishm ents by the  director.  说到这里,她把她在幽古战场好不容易拍来的  宝物拿出  ,“师父,这是我们在大拍卖会上拍到的春月 莲子,一共有四十九枚,听 云天海阁的朋友说,他们的宗主,以前就服用过不少春月 莲子,您试试看,有没有用,如果有用,我们以后多替您留意着。”

  • 4.0分1949 HD


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  • 8.0分1949 HD中字

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  • 6.0分1949 HD中字


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