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分类:劇情片 英國 1969

主演:珍妮·艾加特 布萊恩·馬歇爾 Clare Sutc 



《倒計時》是由知名导演大衛·格瑞尼 执导的一部劇情片,珍妮·艾加特 布萊恩·馬歇爾 Clare Sutc 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:The st ory appears s imple on the surface, but is revealed, es  pecial ly after multiple vie wings, as m ore multi- layered and text ured  than  Cassavetes at  his best. Ostensibly it conc erns a 14-year old Cat holic girl, Wynne (Agutter) growing up in this p ost-mo dern wasteland, who d evelops a crush on her much  older adopt  ive brother (Marshall)- a cru sh which per versely d eepens and  grows in to infatuati  on once  she starts to believe he is the loca l sex kill er. This is in itsel f an id ea that makes you sit up a nd jolt, but as  the narrative develops, it continues not necessarily along a linear path but in seve ral confu sing and fas cina ting directions: the fa  mily';s history,  (de tailed effectiv  ely in chilling flashback during an im provised sea nce) is a chequere d one , and has suffe red at least one m ajor reloca tion and upheaval in  the last ten years. At the crux, however, it's t he depiction  of social al changes  that make I Start Counting so fasc  inating and el evate it s languag  e far bey ond the confines of the standar d horror  film. The  major subtext- that teenage g irls  were  maturi ng more quickly than before, and developi ng full sexual and roman tic appetit es (even if in thought  rather than deed) but were  not po ssessed of enough discr etion to make the right choic es- was a  step forward for  a genre in w hich its young females ha d previously been portraye d as bimbo victims (Cover Girl Kill er and Th e Night Call  er spring to mind)  , but not on e that a ll view ers woul d necessarily  agree wit  h. But most stri king of all , and possibly  the most   enduring image which the viewer will take aw ay with them, is of the masterful symbolism with wh ich d irector Gr eene invests every shot. Every inch of the Kinch fam ily's wo  rld- their h ouse, thei r walls, their  TV, Agutters un derwear,  bedroom furniture and  toys, Sutcliffe';s clothes, Marshalls van , th e local Ca thol ic church, t heir town centre, their record s hop) - is painte d a bright, scintillating white- a white whic h, by inference, is sl owly b ecomin  g smudged  and cor rupted with  the d irt of the outside world. White also symbolises, of course, pur ity and innocenc e (two quali  ties Catholic scho olgi  rls a  re supposed t  o hold dea r), and it   is into this world  of innocence that the ever- present  red bus (a symbol of violat ion and penet   ration), conducted b y the leche rous yet  similarly juvenil e Simo n Wa rd, makes  regular journeys. The allegory is further expanded in one scene  where Agutt  er believes sh e sees t he Christ fig   ure  in church weeping blood: by  the t ime we acknowledge it, its gone, but the seed  has alread y been pla  nted. Ra rely  in a genre produ ction ha s the u se of colour  and background been  so importa nt or effe ctive in creating a un iformity  of mood.  I Start Co  unting is as near- perfect an end to a  decade as one could hope for, and exactly the kind of film  people  should  be making now- which is, of course, exactly  why they never will. A genre essentia l. by D.R. SHIMON@lounge .moviecodec. com  好半晌,他才放下玉简抬头看向陆灵 蹊,“有这事。”他站起来,走向另一边的玉架, 从上面拿了一枚蓝玉制成的玉佩,“当初主人觉得,佐 蒙人不会放 过天渊七界飞升的一切生灵,但是人族  寿元就那么多,人心复杂,他没办法因势力导,但是妖族却可以。”



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