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冤家成雙對 第三季

8.0 推荐

分类:美劇 英國 2002

主演:傑克·達文波特 吉娜·貝爾曼 莎拉·亞曆山大 Ka 

导演:Martin Dennis 


《冤家成雙對 第三季》是由知名导演Martin Dennis 执导的一部美劇,傑克·達文波特 吉娜·貝爾曼 莎拉·亞曆山大 Ka 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  本劇集是BBC 2台2000年正式推出的以青 年人爲題材和對象的系列情景喜劇,創意和編劇均由Ste ven Moffat一人擔當。三男三  女的主要人物構成很容易使人聯想到當時正走紅(其實已經在走下坡路)的《Friend s》,因此很有不少根本沒 看過本劇的媒體人士 和評論家想當然地將本劇 稱作英國版的《Friends》,而在那些 有幸欣賞過本劇的觀衆 們看來,《Coupling》在情節設定、人物  表演、喜劇元素的設計和表現 等諸多方面所達到的水平,要比《Friends》高幾個檔次。相比之  下,《F riends》只能說是一部“業余”水平的好作品而已。當然總體來說,英劇的 水准本身就高于美劇,這和英劇注意保持創意、編劇 一體化是分不開的,美 劇的創意一般也就爲最 初幾集編劇,以後主要的編劇工 作都是由其它編劇根據最初的角色設定來自 由發揮,編劇隊伍的構成也是不斷變化,老的走 新的來,造成美劇 情節連貫性差甚至前後矛 盾,故事往往缺乏深度,人物性格平面化,缺少發展。這都是題外話了。  《 Coupling》的主要人物包 括優柔寡斷、性格不成 熟的帥哥Steve,Steve的莫逆之交、舉止語言古怪、總也找不到女友的Jeff,頭腦簡單、外表性感 的“donkey” Patric  k三位對Porn、特別是 lesbian por n非常熱中的男士,以及Steve  的前女友、 神神叨叨、擅用性感作武器的Jane,Steve的繼任女友、Jeff的同事、 曾經非常“ 不羁”(包括和Jef f還有Pat rick)過的Susan ,Susan的莫逆、對衰老和肥胖極度敏感的美 容師Sally三 位女士。在第一集中 ,Steve決定“再次”和女友Ja ne分手,結果 卻被Jane三言兩語引誘到洗手間親熱;Patrick想把和Susan的關 系再進一步, 卻被告知根本不存在 什麽“關系”; S usan在洗手間碰到匆忙出來買 Durex的St eve,向他表示好感,兩人訂下約會以後S teve鑽 進隔間繼續……。本劇的主線  包括Steve和 Sus an之間逐漸正式起來的關系,Jeff尋找豔遇過程中的種種意外以及後 來和上司發展出來的一  段關系,Pat rick和Sally之間若有若無到若 即若離再到情深難舍的感情發展,還有Jane在事業和異性關系中的 各種奇事 ,等等。  本劇在情節設 計中所達到的精致和完美程度讓人歎爲觀止,而六位當時並不算大明星的青年演 員的所展現精湛演技更是具有 頂尖演員的水平,無怪乎播出之 後立刻走紅大洋兩岸,在IMDB 、AMAZON和 BBC網 站可以領略到其受歡迎的程度。2002年底,第3 季播畢,故事情節基本告一段落。美國NBC看到這部“英國版《Frie  nds》”在英美兩地 均廣受歡迎, 覺得正好可以搬來做 2004年終于要關張的《Friends》的接班人,于是2003年大張旗鼓 地決定翻 拍美版《Coupling》。美國的 fans本來以爲這是件好 事,沒想到NBC的翻拍愚蠢地采用了全台詞照搬的 方法,雖然個人沒看過,不過也可以想象到有多惡心,結果只播出一集Pilot就因爲罵 聲太大而整個計劃擱淺(這點上美國佬是值得學習的,不象中國有些搞影視的罵聲越大越要上)。在 這裏http://w ww.nbc.com/C oupli  ng/可以看到這 個計劃的屍體,還有一 些徹底走了味兒的劇照。  2003  年底,本劇獲得英國喜劇獎(BCA)最佳電視喜劇獎。BBC已經在2004年正式開拍並播出第4季,不過Jeff 這個人物將不再出現,而代之以新角色——經營Sci -Fi書店的Oliver,由Richard Mylan扮演。 從已經播出的幾集來看,應該說在更換主要角色之一的背景下,基本保持了前3季 的水准,但是 同時也流露出對前 3季中成功情節進行拷貝的 迹象,希望這僅僅是偶然。   Two 9;s c ompany, t hree's a crowd... so what do you do with six  ? On average, men and women think abou t se x every six seconds. Shorten tha t to every sec  ond, and you&#  39;ve  got Coupling. It's mo re than just a one night  stand!    When a couple gets toge ther, it ' s nev er just the two of them - they also  bring baggag e - and Sus an (Sara h Alexander) and Steve  (Jack Davenport ) are no exce ption. Thei r baggage   is a crowd o f best f riends and exes who talk about all  aspects of sex and relationshi ps o  n their neve r-ending quest to fi nd true love.  Perhaps,   perhaps, perhaps...    Susan Walker is a beautiful  go-gett er with an uninhibi ted attitude who used to dat e Patric k Maitland (Ben Miles), the sexte t';s charismat  ic, cocky p layer, London' ;s king of conquests - a g uy who' s just too cool to  worry about being smart. Attra  ctiv e Sally Harper (Kate Isitt) is a beauty therapist who i s Susan's unashamedly vain b est frie  nd, who aggressively bat tles aging with heavy doses of moisturizer a nd men - including Patric  k.  Meanwhile, Steve Taylor, while getting together wi th Susan, can't see m to shake loose from his viv acious and sl ightly vacuous ex- girlfrien d Jane Chri stie (Gin a Bellman), a woma  n supremely  confident  in her ability to seduce  anyone of either sex, and w ho re fuses to  be d umped unless she'  s the o ne doing t  he dumping. Jeff Murdoch (Richard Coyle) is St  eve's & quot;p orn bu ddy" who is, in e qual parts, obsessed a nd bewildered  by actual sex; charming in his way, b  ut with an uncanny ability t o say the wrong t hing at the  worst pos sible time. He work s in the same office a  s Su san, with whom he had a disa strous and u nsuccessfu l one-night fling.    Coupling has been honoured with the prestigious Si lver Rose  of Montreux, Best TV  Comedy A ward, and is  recent winner at the 2003 Briti sh Comedy Awards.  With a  new g uy on the s cene, a   baby on the way, com mitment in the air, and love on the   horizon, t he dynamics of the  six fr  iends are d  efinitely changing.   At the  end of last season Susan and Steve discovered they   were pregna nt (well,  mostly Susan), confirmed bachelo r Patrick a  nd Sally fi nally adm itted  their true  feelings for each other, and poor Jane was left on her own, once again.  But it's not all doom and gloom f  or Jane. As the new season op  ens, t hings   are looki ng up. There&  #39;s thi s guy called Ol iver, who has his ey e on her. Is it possi ble that  lifetime loser in love Ol  iver might just get somewhe re with life  time  loser in love Jane? T rouble is, his apartmen t is  a little  " ;un-edited" and his livi ng room has  lost the  battle wit h mag azine nudity...  S usan   and  Steve are  now   well and truly an item. So  why is he  dreaming about being exec uted by a fetus with an axe?  M eanw hile Sally  and Patrick are se ttling into the ir new rela tion ship. But sinc e the da wn of time, men an d women hav e been falling in lov  e - and   men have been trying to get home straig ht a fterwards. Ca n fall en pla  yboy Patric k ever fi  nd his way back from the enchanted glade of his one true love and get a decent nig ht's sleep?  按规矩,两人每收一 个人的好处,就要 往外掏点货,偏偏他们是一个一 个飞升的,总不好意思把说过的消息,再给他们来 一遍,没办法下,待到文遥飞升,人家又给他们摆了 一席,两人把该说的都说 了,只能跟他们八卦纯阳宗宗主被人伏杀的事了。

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