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7.0 推荐

分类:劇情片 美國 1948

主演:雷·米蘭德 安·托德 傑拉丁·菲茨傑拉德 



《癡心女子負心郎》是由知名导演劉易斯·艾倫 执导的一部劇情片,雷·米蘭德 安·托德 傑拉丁·菲茨傑拉德 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:Novelis t Jose ph Shearing  specialized in using  real ca ses which took pl  ace in Victorian Engl and,  alt ering them for fictional pur poses. MOSS ROSE in 194 7 was the first film  to be made from hi s novels, th en in 1948 two o f his works were adapted for  the scree n, thi s film and T HE MARK OF CAIN. The movie stars Todd as a recently widowed mis sionary retu rning to her home in England  from Jama ica. During th  e voya ge, sh e meets  Milland, a charmi ng though dange rous rascal w ho is wanted by police in  connection with some un savory deal ings. Milland  contracts malaria while onboard   the ship and  Todd n urses him bac k to health. In London, Todd  settles into her  home, taking  in boarders to make ends meet.  Milland arrives, moves in, and proclaims his love fo  r her. Todd is th rilled , but it se ems rather obvio us that Mill and is only toying with her. Milland finds some letters writ ten to her by h er friend, Fitzgerald, in whic h Fitzgerald    reveals some of her sexual ind iscre tions. Si nce Fitzgerald is no w married to the wealthy  Huntley, Milland believ  es he can use the letter s to blackmail F  itzgera  ld. To dd's lov e for Milland is so g reat that she goes along with the  plan . Huntley, h owever,  learns of the  scheme  and a lso unc overs detail s of Milland's shady past. Fearing for her lover's safety, Todd  poisons Huntley, then remains silent  when Fi  tzgerald is arreste d for the  murder. Mil land has by now genuinely fall en in love with Todd a nd the t wo make plans t o leave Engl and. Before they can depa rt, one o f Milland's former lovers shows  up and To dd, i n a j  ealous ra  ge, kills Millan d, then turns herself into the police.  This  is an  intri guing film, altho ugh a   little on t he talky side. The performances are ex cellen t throughout, with  Milland sh ining as the cad , the type of ro le in which he  excelled. Tho  ugh he spen t most  of his time making  films in the US, he occasi onall y returned to his native England for a production an d this was his firs t Bri tish  film since FRENCH WIT HOUT TEARS in 1939. D irector Al len was also an Engli shman who chose to work in the US , this being his first directorial effo rt in his ho meland. Th is was the fourth and last time  Milland and Alle n would work together , th eir pairing  having begun in 1944 with the wonder full y eerie THE UNINVIT  好半晌,他才放下玉简抬头看向陆灵蹊 ,“有这事。”他站起 来,走向另一边的玉架,从上面拿了一枚蓝玉制成的玉佩,“当初主人 觉得,佐蒙人不会放过天渊七界飞升的一切生灵,但是人族寿元 就那么多,人心复杂,他没办法因势力导,但是妖族却可以。”



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